Day 2: Groovin’

Mocha Keto Chow

Broccoli + a cheesestick

Beef + veggie mix + hot sauce

Atkins Chocolate Caramel Mousse bar

75 Hard Checklist

Diet Followed: Check! Food collage above. My standard bulk dinner is ground beef, taco seasoning, and frozen veggie mix. I forgot how much I enjoyed it and how easy it is to prep a week’s worth.

Indoor Workout (45+ min): Zumba today! I haven’t zumba’d in years.

Outdoor Workout (45+ min): City trail walk again. This time with my dad so we moved a bit slower.

Gallon of Water: Struggling. Might bump this down to 100 oz.

10 Pages: If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him! Still unsure if I like it.

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