Day 6: Daiso run


Butterscotch Keto Chow

Smoked Salmon Salad

Beef + Veg + Hot Sauce

Cheese + Almonds

Pictured: The only type of bubble tea I’m allowed anymore found at my trip to show my mother the insanity of Daiso 😭

75 Hard Checklist

Diet Followed: Butterscotch Keto Chow today was the bomb. I also ate the second half of the salmon salad I made yesterday. Weekends are meal prep time, so I got groceries and got cooking. Shockingly, it’s another week of beef + veggies for dinner.

Tomorrow night will be the end of my previous batch, and I’m really excited for the next batch since I found a store that sells the Taco Bell Mild Sauce, which is 0 cal and dumped into ground beef while it cooks tastes amazeballs. Two bottles plus about 2 lbs of ground beef and half a cup of diced yellow onions are about 6 portions for me. Add about a cup of frozen veggies (I usually get the Normandy blend) and dinner for the week is sorted. I got the inspiration from this wiki entry on the keto subreddit (I lived off this meal plan when I first started keto).

Outdoor Workout (45+ min): Usual walkies in the park. Lots more dogs and families and joggers at 8:30am on a weekend vs a weekday. Still listening to How to Sell a Haunted House.

Indoor Workout (45+ min): Exercise bike infront of the tv. I’m watching the KATSEYE documentary/survival show, because I like stupid dramatic reality TV when I’m trying not to be bored out of my mind on a bike (it’s 97 degrees outside today so that was about the level of strenuous I could handle).

Water (100oz+): Lots of plain water today. Splurged and bought a Dutch Bros Soda with the strawberry zero sugar flavoring in it.

10 Pages: Still LOVING Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything. I’m shocked. I hate self help but this just feels real and less “woo”.

Progress picture:


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